Linux Kernel Architecture

(Jacob Rumans) #1
Mauerer runbapp06.tex V1 - 09/04/2008 6:14pm Page 1273

Appendix F: The Kernel Development Process

Content is provided free of charge one week after it has been published initially, but the most
current information is available to subscribers only. Since the fee is small, I highly recommend
that you subscribe as soon as possible!^3
❑ Full-scale change logs of the kernel can easily take a number of megabytes in size. Although
they meticulously register every commit that was accepted since the last release, it is practically
not possible to get a broad overview of what has happened in kernel development. Thankfully,
http://www.linuxnewbies.netprovides less-detailed change logs that put more emphasis on the big
picture than small individual details.
❑ The Linux Foundation provides a ‘‘weather forecast’’ service that tries to predict which patches
and features are going to be accepted into future kernel versions. This is as close to a road map as
the Linux kernel can get, and provides valuable information on the direction that development
is heading in. The URL

F.3 The Structure of Patches

Kernel developers expect that good patches fulfill certain fixed criteria. Although this puts more
load onto the preparer of a patch, it makes things much easier for maintainers, reviewers, and
testers because less time is required to understand individual changes if they all follow iden-
tical conventions. The kernel includes detailed instructions on how to prepare patches, which
can be found inDocumentation/SubmittingPatches. This section summarizes the essential
points, but be sure to read the wholeSubmittingPatchesdocument before you send code to
any maintainer or mailing list. Further advice is given in Andrew Morton’s ‘‘The Perfect Patch’’
document, available, and on the web site

First and foremost, it is essential to break larger changes into pieces that are easier to digest than a single
patch that touches 10 million files across 50,000 subdirectories. A patch should do one logical change
to the source code, even if that means that more than one patch in a patch series changes the same file.
Ideally, patches should bestackable— that is, it should be possible to apply them independent of each
other. However, owing to the nature of changes, this is not always possible, and in this case, the correct
temporal ordering of the patches should be documented.

In principle, patch series can be created by hand usingdiffandpatchas described in
Appendix 2. This can become quite tedious after a while, but thequilttoolbox available on some relief here by automating most of the
process of managing patch stacks.

F.3.1 Technical Issues

As for the technical format of a patch, notice that aunifiedpatch that includes information on the C
functions being changed is required. Such a patch can be generated usingdiff -up. If the patch adds
new files or concerns files in multiple subdirectories, thendiff -uprNmust be used to account for these
cases. Appendix 2 discusses what the resulting patch looks like and which information it contains.

(^3) And, no, I have no commercial interests nor any relation to LWN whatsoever. But the site is just awesome.

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