Linux Kernel Architecture

(Jacob Rumans) #1
Mauerer bindex.tex V1 - 09/05/2008 9:44am Page 1302

data types

data types, 25–27

access to userspace and, 27
alignment of data, 1119
atomic_t, 352–353
byte order, 26–27
ELF, 1250–1251
kernel architecture and, 1118–1119
overview of, 25
per-CPU variables, 27
type definitions, 26


character device ranges, 404–405
devices, 403–404


netlink support for, 810
sockets for, 744–745

DDD (Data Display Debugger), 1171–1172

dead code elimination, C optimization,


debugfs, 687–688

debugging kernel, 1169–1173

DDD (Data Display Debugger), 1171–1172
examining local kernel, 1171–1172
GDB (Gnu debugger), 1170–1172
KGDB, 1172–1173
overview of, 1169–1170

defragmentation, of IP packets, 772–773

demand allocation

page faults, 337–339
userspace page faults, 336

demand paging

data structures and, 298
defined, 297
page faults, 337–339
userspace page faults, 336

dentry cache.Seedirectory entry cache


Kconfig, 1151–1152
modules, 476–478, 488–489

depmodtool, for dependencies, 478

destination unreachable message, UDP,


development cycles, 1269–1272.See also
kernel development process
device access, 397–406
addressing usingIOCTL, 400–401
character devices, block devices, and other
devices, 397
device files and, 397
dynamic creation of device files, 399–400
identifying device files, 397–399
major and minor numbers for representing,
network cards and other system devices,
overview of, 397
registering character and block devices,
device drivers
block devices.Seeblock devices
bus system and.Seebus systems
character devices.Seecharacter devices
device access and.Seedevice access
device filesystem and.Seedevice files
generic driver model, 449
I/O architecture for.SeeI/O (input/output)
Makefile for, 1158–1160
overview of, 391
PCI driver functions, 461
PCI driver registration, 462–463
PCI drivers, 457
peripheral devices and, 17–18
registering, 454
resource reservation and.Seeresource
summary, 471
system startup, 1234–1237
USB drivers, 466–468
device files
device access and, 397
dynamic creation of, 399–400
Ex2, 604
file elements in inodes, 406–407
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