Linux Kernel Architecture

(Jacob Rumans) #1


in the kernel, regardless of whether the code was generated dynamically by modules or is permanently
compiled into the kernel.

modprobealso accessesinsmodinternally once it has identified the additional modules needed for the
desired module. Before discussing how this is implemented, I will first describe the mode of operation of
insmodon which work with modules in userspace is based.

The actions needed when loading a module show strong similarities with the linking of application
programs by means ofldand with the use of dynamic libraries Externally, modules are just
normal relocatable object files, as afilecall will quickly confirm:

wolfgang@meitner>file vfat.ko
vfat.ko: ELF 64-bit LSB relocatable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), not stripped

They are, of course, neither executable files nor program libraries as normally found in system program-
ming; however, the basic structure of the binary module file is based on the same scheme also used for
the above purposes.

The output of thefilecommand indicates that the module file isrelocatable, a familiar term in userspace
programming.Relocatablefiles have no function references to absolute addresses but point only torelative
addresses within the code and can therefore be loaded at any offsets in memory provided the addresses
are modified accordingly by the dynamic The same applies for kernel modules. Addresses
are again given in relative and not absolute units. However, it is the kernel itself and not the dynamic
loader that performs relocation.

Whereas in earlier kernel versions (up to 2.4) modules had to be loaded in a multistep process (reser-
vation of memory in the kernel, followed by relocation of data in userspace and copying of the binary
code into the kernel), only one system call —init_module— is now needed to perform all actions in the
kernel itself.

When the system call is processed, the module code is first copied from the kernel into kernel memory;
this is followed by relocation and the resolution of as yet undefined references in the module. These occur
because the module uses functions that are permanently compiled into the kernel and whose addresses
are not known at compilation time.

Handling UnresolvedReferences

In order to work with the remaining parts of the kernel, modules must use functions provided by the
kernel. These may be general auxiliary functions such asprintkorkmallocused by almost every ker-
nel part. More specific functions associated with the module functionality must also be used. Theramfs
module enables a filesystem to be made available in memory (usually known as RAM disk) and must
therefore — like any other code used to implement file systems — call theregister_filesystemfunc-
tion to add itself to the list of available filesystems in the kernel. The module also makes use of (among
others) thegeneric_file_readandgeneric_file_writestandard functions that are present in the
kernel code and that are used by most kernel filesystems.

A similar situation arises when libraries are used in userspace. Programs use functions defined in
an external library by storing pointers to the functions — but not the implementation of the function
itself — in their own binary code (of course, other symbol types such as global variables can appear
instead of functions). References are resolved for static libraries when the program is linked (usingld)
and for dynamic libraries when the binary file is loaded (
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