Linux Kernel Architecture

(Jacob Rumans) #1


Dependencies between modules can make the situation extremely complex during dynamic extension of
the kernel if users are not aware of the specific structure of the inter-module dependencies. Whereas in
our example this does not present a problem, or at least not for interested and technically versed users, it
can be very laborious to find the correct module loading sequence if there are complex dependencies. A
means of automatically analyzing the dependencies between modules is therefore required.

Thedepmodtool in themodutilsstandard tool collection is used to calculate the dependencies between
the modules of a system. The program usually runs each time the system is booted or after new modules
have been installed. The dependencies found are stored in a list. By default, they are written to the file
/lib/modules/version/modules.dep. The format is not complicated; the name of the binary file of the
module is noted, and this is followed by the filenames of all modules that contain code needed for correct
execution of the module first named. The entry for thevfatmodule therefore looks like this:

wolfgang@meitner>cat modules.dep| grep vfat
/lib/modules/2.6.24/kernel/fs/vfat/vfat.ko: /lib/modules/2.6.24/kernel/fs/fat/fat.ko
This information is processed bymodprobe, which is used to insert modules into the kernel if existing
dependencies are to be resolved automatically. The strategy is simple:modprobereads in the contents of
the dependency file, searches for the line in which the desired module is described, and compiles a list of
prerequisite modules. Because these modules may, in turn, depend on other modules, a search is made
for their entries in the dependency file, and then the entries are checked; this procedure is continued until
the names of all prerequisite modules are known. Theactual task of inserting all modules involved into
the kernel is delegated to theinsmodtool.^7

The most interesting question still remains unanswered. How can dependencies between modules be
identified? To solve this problem,depmodemploys no special features of kernel modules but simply uses
the information shown above. This information can be read not only from modules but also from normal
executable files or libraries usingnm.

depmodanalyzes the binary code of all available modules, generates a list for each that includes all defined
symbols and all unresolved references, and finally compares these lists with each other. If module A
contains a symbol that is found in module B as an unresolved reference, this means that B depends on
A — and this fact will be duly acknowledged by means of an entry in the formB: Ain the dependency
file. Most symbols to which the modules refer are not defined in other modules but in the kernel itself.
For this reason, the file/lib/modules/version/System.mapis generated (likewise usingdepmod)when
modules are installed. This file lists all symbols exported by the kernel. If it contains an unresolved
symbol of a module, this is not a problem because it will be resolved automatically when the module is
loaded. If the symbol cannot be found in the file or in another module, the module may not be added into
the kernel because it refers to externalfunctions not implemented anywhere.

7.2.3 Querying Module Information

Additional sources of information are text descriptions that specify the purpose and usage of modules
and are stored directly in the binary files. They can be queried using themodinfotool in themodutils
distribution. Various items of data are stored:

❑ Author of the driver, usually with an e-mail address. This information is useful, particularly for
bug reports (besides granting the developer some personal satisfaction).
❑ A brief description of the driver function.

(^7) It is, of course, also necessary to check whether a module is already resident in the kernel — logically, it need not then be added.

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