Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1
wives,   and     children    [...]   among   the     Muslims
[...] some of the captive women [enslaved by
Mohammed] he sold them for horses and

Remember: this information is coming from the most
authoritative Muslim biography of Mohammed, the
foundation of all other biographies of Mohammed. So
Muslims cannot say “these are lies made up by those who
hate Mohammed or Islam”. Indeed, these are the stories
about Mohammed which Muslims have proudly told their
children for 1000 years. Are the parallels with the twenty-
first century Islamic State terrorists not obvious? We
have never seen any Muslim provide evidence that Muslims
have rejected the details in this biography. Anyone who tries
to tell you to ignore this biography, is someone who is
trying to deceive you.
Note that Mohammed’s Muslim biographer does not try
to diminish the scale of Mohammed’s atrocity, but rather
proudly boasts that “the apostle” might have beheaded as
many as 900 men and boys in this one incident (other
Islamic texts point out that in this attack, any boy with even

one single pubic hair was beheaded).^187 Also, note these
boys and men whom Mohammed massacred were people
who had surrendered after being attacked by Mohammed
and his army, yet still the founder of “the religion of
peace” killed them all! Imagine the even worse account of
these events that might have come down from any survivors
of this massacre (for example, from the women and children
whom the biographer reports were sold as slaves by

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