Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

Just to confirm that instilling terror into those who
opposed him was recognized by Mohammed as a key to
his success, one of the other most trusted collections of
hadiths has Mohammed expressing an almost identical
sentiment, narrated by the same reliable source: β€œI have
been helped by terror (in the hearts of enemies): spoils
[gold, enslaved captives] have been made lawful to me”
i.e. Mohammed and his followers had divine authority to

rob and terrorise those whom they attacked.^200 Thus, the
idea that Islam is terrorism is not just to be found in the
authoritative Muslim biography of Mohammed, but it is to
be found in the statements of those Muslims who knew

Mohammed and who went to war by his side.^201 Such ideas

are also to be found in the Koran.^202 These ideas are thus
found across the fundamental texts of Islam. But our
Quisling elite still insist on portraying Muslims and
Mohammed as the victims not the aggressors, and on
portraying the religion of war as a religion of peace.
It seems almost impossible for the public to
comprehend that Islam can endorse robbery, slavery,
terrorism and yet be placed in the same category as
religions like Christianity or Buddhism. It is even worse
than that: no-one feels the need to keep championing
Christianity and Buddhism as religions of peace. But this
is what the educated elite in the West have maintained,
repeating The Grand Lie whenever Muslims practice the
terrorism that their religion sanctions. What our educated
elite are not telling the public, is that Islam is only partly a
religion: it is largely a political system and a legal system,

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