Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

Islamic State is found in the Koran and the example of
Mohammed, who created the first Islamic State when he
moved from Mecca to Medina:

Allah    hath    promised    such    of  you     as  believe
and do good work that He will surely make
them to succeed (the present rulers) in the
earth even as He caused those who were
before them to succeed (others)... ^209

Given that Muslims believe the existence of the Islamic State
to be the will of Allah, it is no wonder they want to see it
return. Before the Caliphate was abolished, a delegation
(including Islam-collaborator Mahatma Gandhi) made the
arduous journey by ship from India to Britain to solicit the

Prime Ministerʼs support in retaining the Islamic State.^210 In
the 1920s the British elite had known of the risk of “a
theocratic state” arising in the region of Iraq when the

Caliphate was abolished.^211 In the 1960s, just decades after
Pakistan was carved out of India, Muslim scholars and
activists were agitating for Pakistan to be the Islamic

State.^212 After “the Iranian Revolution” of 1979, when the
Ayatollahs came to power in Iran, that country also

provided a contender for the title “Islamic State”.^213 Thus
from Arabia, to India, to Iraq, to Pakistan, to Iran, and in our
day in Syria, Muslims have sought the jurisdiction of a pan-
national Islamic State. And the educated elite in the West
cannot have been unaware of this as they saw the rise of
pro-Caliphate political organisations across the West from

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