Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

deceive the Kuffar public into believing “religious Islam”
was separate from “political Islam”. But in the 1950s it
was clear that expert opinion knew no such variant of
Islam as “political Islam”. Islam was regarded as political
in the 1950s and Islam was regarded as political in the
650s, 1300 years earlier, and throughout that 1300 years
Islam was known to be inseparable from warfare. We see
from the final sentence in the passage quoted above, how
much of a revolution has occurred in Europe in the last fifty
years. As the influence of Islam has come to dominate the
West, the populations of Western countries have been
increasingly deceived into believing a false distinction,
namely, that “Islam” is something different from “Islamism”
and that “Islam is peace”.
The combination of legal, political and economic
structures which are inseparable in Islam are considered to
be unchanging and eternal in the eyes of Muslims, because
the Koran was the word of god and because Mohammed
was the model of behaviour whom Muslims are to copy.

Mohammed went to war, he committed genocide,^217 he took
slaves and sold them, and he kept slaves (sometimes just for

his own right to have sex with them).^218 If taking sex-slaves
was un-Islamic one would expect that terrorist groups like
Boko Haram and ISIS would be denounced as apostates by
Islamic authorities across the world for their part in taking

sex-slaves.^219 As Murray Gordon says in his book Slavery
in the Arab World (1992),

the  most    common  and     enduring    purpose     for
acquiring slaves in the Arab world was to
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