Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

out by his army of brutal mercenaries, the Pagans
surrendered and converted to Islam, offering “the religion of
peace” no resistance whatsoever. These details, the most
astoundingly significant details of the triumph of this
religion of war, are omitted from the BBC’s account of
Mohammadʼs life.
So, since killing to impose Islam is the foundation of

the Islamic calendar,^253 just how many Muslims in the West
are committed to supporting Islam as a religion of war?
When 99% of all terrorism is from the tiny minority of
people in the West who are Muslims, normally one would
expect such a vitally important question to be a routine topic
of conversation in newspapers and programmes about
current affairs. yet we cannot even rely on the occasional
opinion poll which asks this question. Muslims in our
countries have realised that having their views solicited in
surveys could be the government recording which Muslims

are likely to be drawn towards terrorism.^254 This means that
the results of opinion polls in the West are likely to greatly
understate the problem of Muslim commitment to the violent
tenets of Islam. Indeed, following the public stigmatization
and hounding of anyone in the West who enunciates a
statement that does not accord with the politically-correct
vision of the elite, even opinion polls of the general public

are turning out to be unreliable.^255
One survey shows that around 40% of UK Muslims

want to live under sharia law,^256 so we can assume that at
least that proportion of Muslims in the UK should be classed
as “Islamists” i.e. that they want to live in an Islamic State,

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