Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

Are the innocent going to be tortured by fire in Hell for the
whole of eternity? Of course not. It is quite clear from the
Koran that we Kuffar are never innocent. Muslims believe
that we are all Muslims when we are born, hence Muslims
use the term “revert” rather than “convert” to describe those

who become Muslims.^270 Those who have heard of Islam
but who continue to define themselves as Atheists,
Buddhists, Christians, etc. instead of “reverting” to Islam,
these are people whom Islam considers are determined to do
evil by not becoming Muslim. Only the Muslim can be
innocent (someone without guilt). And the only guaranteed
way for a Muslim to become sinless is to die as a jihadi.
Even most Muslims have no guarantee they will be found
innocent on Judgement Day, and believers who haven’t
found themselves a guaranteed place in Paradise by dying
fighting for Islam are facing an eternity of torment in Hell.
The ʻcleansingʼ act of dying as a martyred jihadi is such a
strong guarantee that quite often Muslims might readily
behave in “sinful” ways shortly before undertaking suicidal

We are sure that some readers are so blinded by the
deceptive world-view peddled by our political leaders and
journalists that such readers are entirely accustomed to
being deceived and cannot see the framework of deception.
For example, earlier we discussed how the Deputy Prime
Minister of Britain was not content just to “quote” Koran
5:32, but used his own edited version of Koran 5:32 to
make the verse say almost the exact opposite of what it says.
But when one looks at how the most famous Islamic
scholars in history have explained this verse, they have

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