Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

since the Kuffar are people whom Muslims deem to be
essentially inferior to Muslims, not just for now, but

inferior for all time.^281 The Koran says that those who do
not believe in Islam “are the worst of created beings” (98:6).
In Islam, unbelievers are even worse than animals (because
unlike animals, unbelievers are refusing to believe Islam, the
only truth as far as Muslims are concerned)! Do people
worry about not telling the truth to animals? As we have
seen, Winston Churchill was not the only Prime Minister of
Britain who compared Islam to Nazism. During World War
II, did Britain and America expect National Socialists to
honestly explain their war plans to us? Of course not. And
during World War II a huge effort was undertaken to break
the encryption used by the Germans, so that the Allies
would be able to see what the true plans of the Germans
were. Would any army offer its battle plans up to those they
intend to dominate and for whom they have contempt?
Since Muslims do not want the victims of Islam to be
forewarned, why would Muslims want to put the Koran in a
sensible order, an order which would enable the Kuffar to
understand what plan Islam has in store for the Kuffar? In
the nineteenth century our own Western experts decrypted
the Koran. But their work has been concealed, crowded out
and ignored by the dozens of translations of the Koran in
the traditional order.
No sooner had the West started to recover from
fighting off National Socialism and Soviet Bolshevism than
the political elite started to ensure that the people of the
West became ignorant about Islam, in order to facilitate
the immigration of millions upon millions of Muslims into

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