Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

world is very different from the view of the world held by
atheistic, materialistic, self-obsessed Westerners. Having a
growing population of Kamikaze zealots in our society,
with us unable to know which one of them will strike next
or where they will strike, should be of major concern to
people in the West.
We expect by now some of the Quisling allies of Islam
reading this are groaning to themselves: “they are parading
Orientalist prejudices”, “they are lying about Islam
sanctioning murder”, “they are making false claims about
the order in which one needs to read the chapters of the
Koran in order to understand Islam”. So let us first prove
that the chronological order is a central concept to Muslims
in understanding what is Islam. To do that, we are going to
demonstrate that the concept of abrogation is mainstream for
most Muslims, and that in order for Muslims to use
abrogation they need to be able to put the Koran’s chapters
in chronological order. Once one puts the Koran into the
chronological order assumed by scholars of Islam, then it
becomes abundantly clear why Islam is a religion of war
and not a religion of peace.
Routledge is one the main academic publishers in the
world, and it is unlikely they would ever consider
publishing a book which sought to misrepresent Islam: if
they were not obsessed with political correctness, then the
fear of being targeted for assassination by Muslims would

make them exceedingly careful.^298 Let us look at the
Routledge book called Islam: The Key Concepts. The
authors of this book are professors of religion who have
multiple books on Islam to their names; these authors are

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