Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

which was never going to give up its founding mission: to
destroy all that is not Islam. The Rushdie Affair showed that
Islam and multiculturalism are mutually exclusive: it was
the tolerant multiculturalism of the Pagan Meccans which
permitted Mohammed to espouse his new and hostile
religion. And tolerating Islam led to tolerance being wiped
out wherever Muslims hold power. When the publication
of a harmless novel proved that Islam would never be
anything other than domineering in liberal democracies,
rather than highlight this threat and take a stand to defend
liberalism, the elite masked the threat by silencing dissent
with the dogma of multiculturalism and the rules of political
As we have indicated, abrogation is not only key to
understanding the significance of the Satanic verses, but is
also key to understanding why the Koran must be organised
in the way that it is in the book you are reading. You might
think that the Routledge book we cited earlier is some kind
of anomaly, and abrogation is not really as important in
Islam as we are claiming. Let us re-affirm the importance of
abrogation by quoting from another mainstream text on
Islam. Here is what the Cambridge University Press
Companion to the Qur’an says.

Since    qur’anic    prescriptions   were    often
mutually contradictory [...] it forced Muslim
legal experts to establish the relative
chronology of the ‘abrogated’ and the
‘abrogating’ verses. This required a
thorough knowledge of the history of the
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