Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

and to deceive non-Muslims, instead of amplifying the lies
of Muslims and the Quisling politicians it was the
responsibility of journalists to expose The Grand Lie.
Journalists should have been disseminating the knowledge
of ex-Muslims such as Ibn Warraq and Patrick Sookhdeo
(particularly since the books by these apostates were in
accord with the Islamic scholarly tradition and the Western
scholarly tradition). Instead, what the Western media have
done is to only permit Muslims to speak about Islam: it as
if in World War II only Nazis were allowed to speak
about Nazism. It was not only from ex-Muslims that the
elite in the West must have known of the centrality of jihad
in Islam. Professor Guillaume’s translation into English of
Ibn Ishaq’s biography of Mohammed first appeared in 1955,
published by Oxford University Press. This is the most
authoritative biography of Mohammed, the biography on
which all other biographies of Mohammed depend. Without
even getting past the Table of Contents, one can see that
part III is entitled “Muhammad’s Migration to Medina, His

Wars, Triumph and Death”.^349 How could our politicians
begin to look at core Islamic texts like these, and then go on
to tell us that “Islam is a religion of peace”? How could
journalists not have seen The Grand Lie for what it was, as
soon as they even glanced at Ibn Ishaq to find out about the
life of Mohammed according to his followers?
In his translation of this all-important biography of
Mohammed, Guillaume’s Introduction points out that
throughout the scholarship by Muslims on Islam, this
biography of Mohammed was often known as The Book of

Campaigns (i.e. the book of military battles).^350 In 1981

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