Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

The Deliberate Deception of the


“slay   the idolaters   [kill   the non-Muslims]”
Koran 9:5

As soon as you start reading the pages of the Koran in
the way in which devout Muslims know the Koran has been
seen for over a thousand years, it will become immediately
clear to you why Islam is a religion of war. In 1953 here is
what the Encyclopaedia of Islam, the twentieth-centuryʼs

single most authoritative account of Islam in English,^16
had to say about jihad:

The spread  of  Islam   by  arms    is  a   religious
duty upon Muslims in general [...] Whether
Muhammad himself recognized that his
position implied steady and unprovoked war
against the unbelieving world until it was
subdued to Islam may be in doubt [...] Still
the story of his [Mohammed's] writing to
the powers around him shows that such a
universal position was implicit in his mind,
and it certainly developed immediately after
his death, when the Muslim armies
advanced out of Arabia.^17
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