Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

when they two were in the cave, when

he said unto his comrade: Grieve not.

Lo! Allah is with us. Then Allah

caused His peace of reassurance to

descend upon him and supported him

with hosts [armies] ye cannot see, and

made the word of those who

disbelieved the nethermost, while

Allah’s Word it was that became the

uppermost. Allah is Mighty, Wise.

9 : 4 1 Go forth, light-armed and

heavy-armed, and strive with your

wealth and your lives in the way of

Allah [Jihad]! That is best for you if

ye but knew. [Cancelled by verse

9:122, which instructs some Muslims

to stay back so that there are people

to instruct others about Islam.]^384

9:42 Had it been a near adventure and an easy journey they

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