Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

knows that what the apologists for Islam keep saying is not
true. Any Muslim who has read the Islamic sayings (which
record how Mohammed lived his life) knows how enormous
is this lie. Any Muslim who has read the most authentic
Muslim biography of Mohammed knows that describing
Islam as “a religion of peace” is not a true account of that
history. Moreover, there is ample evidence that in the
nineteenth and twentieth-centuries, before countries like
Britain or America had any sizable Muslim population, the
truth about Islam was routinely expressed by academics in

the West.^34
When one searches a database of twelve million books
published in the last three hundred years (all the content of
these books having been indexed), it transpires that before
9/11 there was only one occurrence of the phrase “Islam is a
religion of peace” in all those twelve million books. The
singular book in which that phrase occurred was a Tom
Clancy novel, that is, “Islam is a religion of peace” was a

phrase spoken by a fictional character.^35 Not one factual,
academic, scholarly book in the hundreds of years covered
by this index had ever referred to Islam as “a religion of
peace”. But ever since September 2001 this fiction has been
used over and over again to deceive the electorate in
Western democracies.
In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, President Bush
issued this statement to the American people, a statement
made with the authority of someone who professes intimate
knowledge of the Koran:

These    acts    of  violence    against     innocents
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