Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

of the rise of Islam, showing Mohammed leading his
soldiers into battle, his sword aloft. That one image in a
comic book for children represented the essence of Islam
more adequately then most mainstream accounts of Islam
since 9/11.
The Grand Lie has led to many attempts to mislead
the Kuffar about the meaning of the word “jihad”. In a
book about the Koran published in 2007, shortly after the
worst terrorist attack in Britainʼs history, a Professor of
Islamic Studies in Scotland said jihad “denotes an inner
struggle [...] of the individual over his own weaknesses and
sins [...] and has nothing to do with war or warring of any

kind”.^54 In Britain this absurdly false claim about “inner

struggle” was taken up by Muslims,^55 Christian clergy,^56

government departments,^57 news media,^58 and even

judges.^59 Never mind that the view of Western scholars for
over a century before 9/11 had been describing jihad
primarily as warfare, and the Muslim terrorists themselves

were using this meaning of the word “jihad”.^60 The lie about
the meaning of jihad became so commonplace that by 2008
even Muslims on trial for a terrorism plot to behead a British
soldier used this ruse of “inner struggle” in their testimony

before the criminal court.^61 But consult any dictionary of the
English language before 1990, and if it contains the word
“jihad” at all, the only definition offered is that of “religious

war of Muslims against unbelievers”.^62 None of these
standard dictionaries of English have any mention of there
being a primary or even a secondary usage, where jihad

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