Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1
their   written reflection  in  the Koran.^66

The destruction of the World Trade Center meant that the
elite needed to sow confusion among the populace, in case
the public started to voice criticism of the Islamization of the
West, a project of the elite which had been under way for

decades.^67 As the religion of war showed itself capable of
killing on an industrial scale, right in the heart of the
West, the Quisling elite set about lying for this genocidal
ideology (Quisling is a term from World War II referring

to someone who collaborates with the enemy).^68
Variations on the phrase “striving in the path of Allah”
mean promoting and implementing Islam, and when
necessary fighting and losing one’s life for Islam, with the
reward of entering Paradise: “Those who believe, and have
left their homes and striven with their wealth and their lives
in Allah’s way are of much greater worth in Allah’s sight.

These are they who are triumphant”.^69 The word “jihadi”
principally means “one who will kill and die for Islam”, but
since 9/11 this sustained campaign of deception was
maintained: across the West in schools and in the media the
non-Muslim would be told that the idea of jihad as war was
some kind of peculiar misunderstanding by a tiny minority
of Muslims. Meanwhile, in mosques and homes of Muslims
across the West, many Muslims would continue to be told
the doctrinal and historical truth concerning jihad as war.
The deceit of the Kuffar worked and, instead of terrorist
attack after terrorist attack leading to the public demanding
an end to Muslim immigration, the number of Muslim

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