Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

Ebrahim College. Whilst the Deputy PM claimed the
Muslims who beheaded the soldier were “perverting” Islam,
in excising parts of a Koranic verse it was the Deputy PM
who was perverting the message of the Koran! The question
must be asked: why were these Muslim pillars of the
British establishment at this event, if not to confer
authenticity on the Deputy Prime Minister’s account of
Islam? Yet there’s no record of any of these educated
Muslims objecting to the Deputy PM perverting the
Koran and deceiving those Kuffar who would hear the
speech or who would see reports of it in the media.
Since the Deputy PM had explicitly stated which part
of the Koran he was supposedly quoting, any journalist
who was ignorant of the Koran could easily look up this
verse on the internet in mere seconds and then challenge
this deception. Yet this lie told by the Deputy PM of Great
Britain was not exposed then (or at any time since) by any
journalist, nor by any academic, nor by any Muslim. Our
leaders can thus lie in full knowledge that the elite
members of our society will help them sustain that lie:
those whose job it is to correct mistakes, those whose job it
is to scrutinize our politicians, are instead just amplifiers of
the lies. Muslims who are presented to us as pillars of the
establishment will stand by whilst our leaders lie for Islam.
Imagine in the 1920s, after Hitler published Mein Kampf,
politicians and journalists in Britain had just said “Hitler
doesn’t mean it, he’s a man of peace”. Imagine, after Hitler
had attacked country after country, if Germans living in our
country and on whom we had conferred the highest honours
told us “this is nothing to do with National Socialism,

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