Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

a thousand years before the Pilgrim Fathers landed in
America. It is hard for us in the West to grasp the enormity
of the historical and geographical scale of Islamʼs war on
everything that is not Islam (Christianity, Paganism,
Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and even atheism). As we
will discuss below, from year one of the Islamic calendar,
Islam has proven itself to be at war with everything that is
not Islam.
What no-one will tell the public is that Muslims are still
implementing the system of conquest initiated by the
founder of Islam. Contemporary Muslims are still modelling
their behaviour on the actions and sayings of the founder of
Islam as recorded in the canonical scripture of Islam, just as
Muslims 1000 years ago modelled their behaviour on those
same recorded actions and sayings of Mohammed. Islam
has collections of texts amounting to thousands and
thousands of pages, texts which report the minutiae of what
Mohammed said and how he behaved in different situations,
texts which are accepted by virtually all Muslims on the face
of the planet as the upright behaviour mandated by Allah.
The Caliphate to which Blair referred was the name given to
Mohammed’s Islamic State following the death of
Mohammed in 632 AD. This Caliphate did not disappear
until 1924: that is, the Islamic State (the Caliphate) only
ceased to exist at the same time as Hitler was preparing Mein
Kampf for publication. Blair could pretend that jihad and a
desire to re-create the Islamic State were some kind of
perversion, but in the Islamic view of the world it is the
short time since the Caliphate was abolished in the twentieth
century which has been the perversion. As mentioned

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