Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam

(Dana P.) #1

Hiding The Truth Causes Terrorism

“And    He  brought those   of  the People  of  the Scripture
[Jews] who supported them down from their
strongholds, and cast panic into their hearts [terrorised
them]. Some ye slew [killed], and ye made captive
[enslaved] some.”
Koran 33:26

Christianity and Buddhism are belief systems which
can be considered to be religions of peace: they are both
founded on an exemplary individual who did not command
killing opponents as a means of propagating the belief
system. By contrast Islam is founded on an exemplary
individual who not only commanded killing, but who
personally took part in torture, mass slaughter and slavery

(according to the core texts of the belief system itself).^97 The
very idea of a religion of war seems to us like a
contradiction, but this is narrow-minded of us: we are
assuming that alien cultures are just like our culture,
insisting that other value systems must be no different from
our own. Yet as the doctrines of Islam and the history of
Islam show, it is far more appropriate to consider Islam to be
a religion of war than a religion of peace. But we in the
West simply cannot put the idea of “monk” and “killer” into
the same thought, yet many of those Muslims organising
and instructing other Muslims to kill are Sheikhs (Muslim

Bishops),^98 and the opinion of twentieth-century experts on

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