Microstock Photography

(coco) #1

FIGURE 7.2 “Fruit.” © Douglas Freer

out—use it. If you think they are or are not sure, reduce the exposure
using your camera’s exposure compensation; or, if you are shooting
in full manual mode, close down the aperture or increase the shutter
speed and then reshoot. In fact, it is often sound policy to shoot several
different exposures to be sure you have the best shot. You can combine
different exposures from tripod-mounted shots later in Photoshop to
create a high dynamic range (HDR) 32-bit fi le that can then be con-
verted to 16 or 8 bits, preserving both highlight and shadow detail.
This technique is a little beyond the scope of this book, but it is well
worth investigating.

I did not use a cable to fi re the shutter in this example shot. I could
have done so, or I could have used the self-timer function to remove
the risk of camera shake. On this occasion, I simply took care not to
jog the camera when I squeezed the shutter. Check out the fi nal image

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