Microstock Photography

(coco) #1

128 Setting up a Home Studio

FIGURE 7.9 “Young Attractive Couple.” © Douglas Freer/iStockphoto

All is not lost. Gray can be turned to white quite easily using a
number of different techniques. In fact, Figure 7.9 needed a boost in
the background department. To do so, I chose what I have found to
be the simplest and fastest method:

  • Select quick mask.

  • Using a large soft brush, paint over (mask) the subject, leaving a feathered
    edge between the subject and the white background. Try not to mask any
    of the white background. Don’t worry about leaving the edge of the subject
    outside the mask.

  • Exit quick mask leaving the unprotected area selected. Then, using curves or levels,
    lighten the background until it looks pure white.

  • De-select the selection and, if necessary, gently bring back any edges of the
    subject that have been lightened too much. Check the fi nal result at 100% on

  • If you still have slightly dark (not pure white) edges caused by vignetting, you can
    always use the paint tool to paint pure white over them. With a bit of practice, it is
    a doddle to get right.

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