Microstock Photography

(coco) #1

132 Setting up a Home Studio

Stage 2: make a work path from your selection
Now, on the Paths palette, click on the little icon third from right:
“make work path from a selection” (Figure 7.13).

Stage 3: edit path if necessary
This work path is editable. You can drag it around using the path
selection tool, or add and delete anchor points. But, frankly, if your
selection was any good, you should not have to do too much editing
at this stage. Go back and try it again if you are not happy with the

Stage 4: save the path
Once you are done, you need to save the path (in the Path fl y-out
menu, click “save path”). The default name is Path 1. Choose another
name if you prefer.

Stage 5: convert to a clipping path
The fi nal step is to save the path as a clipping path from the Path fl y-
out menu.

FIGURE 7.13 Making a work path.

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