Microstock Photography

(coco) #1

Specialized Libraries

Aside from big open libraries like Alamy, there are many specialized
smaller libraries servicing distinct market sectors. There are portals
that provide information about and links to many small specialized
libraries. One I know well is Stock Index Online (Figure 9.2), which
can be found at http://www.stockindexonline.com.

Pretty much every specialty has a library that caters to it. For
example, if you have some excellent wildlife images, you might decide
to send them to a specialized wildlife library such as Ardea at http://
http://www.ardea.com/, a specialized rights-managed library, or one of a
number of other choices.

By placing your more specialized images with a library that targets
the right market, you might see better sales than if you only place your
nonmicrostock work with a general library such as Alamy. Of course,
you will not normally have to choose one or the other. Unless other-
wise stipulated in the terms and conditions, you will be able to place
your nonmicrostock work with both a general library and a specialized
outlet. FIGURE 9.2resource for both photographers looking for Stock Index Online is a useful
specialized library outlets and photo buyers
searching for images.

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