Microstock Photography

(coco) #1

Microstock Library Links

Don’t read too much into the order. These are basic links so that you
can fi nd and visit a wide range of microstock sites for yourself. I make
no promise that this list is exhaustive. Good hunting!

  1. iStockphoto. The original microstock, credit purchase (single sale), now
    owned by Getty. Prices are $1–$15, dependent on resolution; base commission
    20%. http://www.istockphoto.com

  2. Shutterstock. The largest specialized subscription microstock. Pays $0.25
    until $500 earned, and then $0.30 per download. http://www.shutterstock.com;
    photographer submissions via http://www.submit.shutterstock.com

  3. Dreamstime. Mixed subscription and credit purchase site. Minimum 50%
    commission paid. http://www.dreamstime.com

  4. Fotolia. Strong European customer base, fast growth. Credit purchase site;
    commission 33% for nonexclusive image and 50% of the sales price for exclusive
    image. http://www.fotolia.com (click on national fl ags at bottom of page to fi nd
    local sites/languages)

  5. Stockxpert. Owned by JupiterMedia, with recent heavy investment, should
    be the one to watch. $1 starting price, 50% commission on sales to photo g-
    raphers. http://www.stockxpert.com

  6. SnapVillage. Corbis’s late entry in to the microstock market means that both
    the largest traditional players are gambling on microstock success. Single sale
    and subscription; photographer fi xes selling price for credit sales. http://www

  7. 123RF. Mixed monthly subscription and single-sale (credit-purchase) site.
    Rebranded from 123 Royalty Free. Wholly owned subsidiary of Inmagine Corp
    LLC. Recent site revamp and skills of Inmagine should boost popularity. Pays
    $0.36 per subscription download and 50% of credit sales. http://www.123RF

  8. Big Stock Photo. Credit-purchase site. $0.50–$1 commission per down-
    load. http://www.bigstockphoto.com

  9. StockPhotoMedia. Swedish-based credit-purchase site. Commission 35%
    small, 45% medium, and 55% large images; 50% for illustrations. http://www

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