Microstock Photography

(coco) #1

  • The models are looking directly at, and engaging with, the viewer. With nothing else
    going on in the picture, this draws the viewer into the image.

  • It is shot on a pure white background. Images with pure white backgrounds, often
    called isolated images, are very popular as there is no color clash with the buyer’s
    chosen color scheme or background. See how it works on the page of this book?
    Although not “cut out” (see Chapter 7), a buyer could, in a pinch, isolate the fi gures
    and drop them into a different background of his or her choosing.

  • The models are smartly dressed in sober and reasonably coordinated clothing. I think
    that something is not quite right about the shirt collar of the guy at the end—perhaps
    his taste in shirts is different from mine (my wife would say it is a heck of a lot
    better!)—but it is a minor point as the main focus of attention is the woman at front

An image like this is not that hard to compose and shoot if you
have access to studio lights and some models, who might of course
be friends or relatives. All the models will need to sign separate model
releases (see Chapter 11 and Appendix 2); these releases should then

FIGURE 3.1 “The Business Team.” © Philip Date/Fotolia

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