Microstock Photography

(coco) #1
FIGURE 3.3 “Scientists Working.” © Yuri

so on. You can almost start counting the cash before you click the
shutter. Both “The Business Team” and the receptionist image are
well-taken professional-quality images shot using studio lights. But
don’t worry if you don’t have access to expensive studio equipment.
Excellent business and people images can be shot with just natural
light with some care.

For a more active image, check out Figure 3.3, a photo of scientists
in a laboratory, taken with a wide-angle lens to add drama. Images
like this can be quite diffi cult to capture for the average photographer
who does not have access to a laboratory and some scientists, but
many offi ce and business images can be taken using friends and
coworkers willing to lend a hand to your burgeoning photographic
career, and willing to sign a model release.

Lifestyle images are also successful sellers, particularly when they
evoke a sense of place or emotion that buyers might want to associate
with the product or service they are trying to promote. “Happy Couple
on Beach” in Chapter 1 is a good lifestyle image and has sold extremely

Many lifestyle images are not too diffi cult to take. Figures 3.4
and 3.5 are examples of shots that any competent photographer

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