Microstock Photography

(coco) #1
52 What Sells and What Does Not

FIGURE 3.19 This is what a search for “objects” throws up on Fotolia. Quite a variety. Other microstock sites offer a similar extensive and diverse
choice of images.

graph them. They take shots on vacation. It is not necessary to
travel the world to fi nd suitable material for microstocks. You are
not shooting the cover for Vogue magazine or National Geographic
(not just yet, anyway).
We’ll wrap up our discussion of objects with a couple more
images (Figures 3.21 and 3.22). Neither of these is isolated;
objects photographed in a context useful to buyers can also
be successful.


Flowers are tricky. Some of the best-selling microstock images are of
fl owers, yet most sites will tell you they have quite enough fl ower
shots to last several lifetimes.
Flower images need that special something to justify acceptance on
microstock sites. Every spring, tens of thousands of daffodil shots are
uploaded. As summer approaches, yellow turns to red and pink as
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