Scriptures and power of argument, and such eloquence of
speech, that his friends rejoiced and his opponents were
aghast. His talents and assets immediately made him the
target of the Arians implacable hatred which pursued him
to the end of his days. But he withstood and overcame
all, and at the end his spiritual and moral victory was
- Eusebius of Caesarea says that "The Emperor
requested the bishops of all countries to assemble
promptly at Nicea, by very respectful letters"^3 ; while
Rufinus says that the Emperor invited Arius also.
Constantine the Great expended every effort to
facilitate the voyage of the Council members to Nicea and
to make their stay memorable for them. - The Council was solemnly inaugurated on June
20th when Constantine arrived after celebrating the
anniversary of his victories in Nicomedia. While the
Bishops were awaiting the Emperor's arrival, they met and
debated together, clergy and laymen participating in their
debates. All the ancient writers witness to this fact
affirming that Arius was given a chance to expose his
doctrine freely (in spite of all the ill-will he had already
shown). A number of his friends were with him, and they,
too, were listened to patiently while they stoutly defended
him.^4 - When the Emperor arrived, all members gathered
in the building designated for the meetings, and each sat
in the place assigned to him. The Council was formally
declared opened, and its first order of business was to
elect the presiding Bishop. The choice fell on Hosius of