(Elle) #1

"Rejoice, therefore, of what has been so happily
accomplished, and for the reign of peace and harmony,
and equally for the extirpation of heresies. Receive with
all the honour and all the love of which he is worthy, our
colleague: your bishop Alexandros, who in spite of his old
age has worked incessantly that you may enjoy peace”.
"Pray for us, all, that the things which it seemed
good to us to establish may be accepted and ratified by
our Lord Jesus Christ, judging that they are seemly and
done by the Will of God the Father, through the Holy
Spirit, unto Whom be Glory unto the ages of all ages.

  1. When all Church matters were regulated to the
    satisfaction of the assembled bishops, Emperor
    Constantine celebrated his ‘vicennalia'’ i.e. the twentieth
    anniversary of his coming to the throne. To manifest to
    the Nicean Fathers the respect and deference he had for
    them, he invited them to a banquet at the imperial palace.
    A few days later, he convoked the bishops for a
    final session in which he exhorted them to do their utmost
    to maintain peace in the Church. He then accorded them
    permission to return to their Sees, requesting them to
    remember him in their prayers.
    Most of them hastened to their homelands. And,
    being filled with joy at their work of pacification and
    unity, which the Council effected and the Emperor
    ratified, each proclaimed to his people the resolutions
    passed by the Council.
    Thus ended the Council of Nicea, which was,
    doubtless, a landmark in the history of the Christian
    Church Universal, and the monument of the victory that
    Faith achieved over heresy.l2

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