Archimandrite Guettee, op. cit., vol. III, pg. 2 where
the author cites all the early historians who
unanimously affirmed that it was Emperor Constantine
who requested the convocation of the Council of Nicea
and fixed its place and date.
Hefele: op. cit., vol.1, p. 270.
Ibid: vol.1, pp. 273-4.
As explained earlier, these were the individuals who
had suffered during the persecutions but were spared
before they reached the point of death.
Hefele: op. cit., vol. I, p. 285.
Cuettee. vol. III, p. 20.
For a detailed study of these canons, Cf. Histoire des
Conciles by Mgr. Hefele, vol. I, pp. 346- 421; also
Tarikh al Kanissa'l Qiptiva by Manassa'1 Qommos,
Ibid vol. I, pp. 422·3.
Guettee: op. cit., vol. III, pp: 21-3.
For a detailed study of the Great Council of Nicea, Cf.
Hefele: Ibid. vol. I, pp. 255-440.