- Because of the magnetism and genius of his unique
character, Athanasius has been the subject of many books.
Although-like many men of his era – his education
was Greek, he himself was a thorough Egyptian, born and
bred in Egypt, and a true son of his native land. He
combined in himself all the outstanding characteristics of
the Egyptians-unflinching tenacity; impetuous ardour, and
the capacity to be inflamed by every movement of the
soul. These traits, together with his nature of steel, he
harnessed to a cause which has sanctified him.
The life of Athanasius was one of continuous
combat, and there is not a power against which he did not
contend with courage and boldness; he contended against
the gods, the emperors and the heretics. He faced
everything and everyone-without a halt; with a perpetual
tension of the spirit; with a constant indefatigableness of
effort-like an overflowing torrent. To look casually at the
ardour of this prodigious athlete, one cannot help but
wonder how he could not cease from combat throughout
his entire life. But to ponder over the depths of his
passionate agitations, is to discover the sublime motive
which inspired this rugged fighter. A true disciple of the
Almighty God, Lover-of man, he himself grew up to be a
lover of his fellowmen. His every thought and word, his
action and his suffering, his writing and his fighting, all his
powers were channelled for the welfare of men.l - As Jeremiah the prophet was sanctified by God
while yet in the womb,^2 so was Athanasius. His whole
being was saturated with abounding Grace, that even in
play he would say to his companions: "If God chooses
me to serve Him I will be a Christian". At these words
they would a11 laugh in glee. Rufinus relates to us a
story of Athanasius at play. He says that one day, Abba