(Elle) #1

  1. When time passed and there was neither a sign of
    them nor a message from them, Julius decided to open the
    Council sessions anyway.
    The case of Athanasius did not drag: the
    abstention of the Eusebians; the presence of Athanasius
    with his modest but firm assurance, and the radiance of
    his glorious deeds; the testimony – written and verbal – of
    the Egyptian clergy; the examination of the reports sent to
    serve as a basis for the accusations against him-all these
    facts called for the justification of the Alexandrian Pope,
    and proclaimed his innocence. The council of Rome
    unanimously confirmed him in his rights and maintained
    him in the communion of the Church.
    During this procedure, the envoys of Julius arrived
    from the East. Their crestfallen mien declared only too
    plainly that they carried bad news. The Arians, with their
    Eusebian allies refused to attend. Instead of giving a
    direct refusal, their reply was subtle. Its purport was that
    the Christian Church never acknowledged the rule of the
    individual, hence an invitation to a council, signed by one
    person, is to be discredited even if that person was the
    bishop of Rome. For, though Rome was the Imperial
    Capital, yet it was out of the Orient that the Gospel had
    been proclaimed. Why, then, did Julius write to them in
    his own name? Why did he not accept as valid the verdict
    of the council of Tyre whereby Athanasius was deposed?
    Are not the decrees of a council immutable until another
    council rescinds them? Besides, the Emperor of the East
    was waging war on Persia and it was not appropriate that
    they should leave their Sees during such a crisis.^28
    Thereupon the Fathers of the council of Rome
    decided to answer. They sent the acts of their assembly in
    a letter which Julius was charged to transmit to the
    Eusebians. The letter is exceedingly interesting both as a

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