(Elle) #1

his yoke with majestic calmness, and continued to teach
his people and strengthen their hearts.
Sometime later, an imperial secretary came to
Egypt bearing an oral message to the Alexandrian Pope
that he was to leave his homeland. In answer to this
message, Abba Athanasius produced the letters of the
Emperor by which he had been authorised to stay in
Alexandria, affirming that he would not leave his people
without receiving a written order.
A few weeks elapsed, then the whole of
Alexandria was shaken by the sudden arrival of the
imperial legions from Libya. The chief of the army went
to see Athanasius, and again told him by word of mouth
that he was to leave his See. The Successor of St. Mark
gave him the same answer which he had given to the first
messenger, but he realised that these messages were the
dark omens presaging the storm. He, therefore, asked his
people to resort to prayer and fasting. At this request the
Churches overflowed with crowds who earnestly prayed-
not only during the day-but far into the night.

  1. One evening the multitudes thronged the Church
    of Abba Theonas, more numerous than ever, to celebrate
    a solemn feast. β€˜It was a great and beautiful spectacle
    indeed: a vast crowd of Faithful bowing their heads in
    silent adoration, lifting their voices in praise and
    glorification. Suddenly a harsh clang was heard, and the
    doors of the Sanctuary were violently pushed open. The
    soldiers, headed by their general, marched into it,
    trampling the worshippers under their feel or shooting
    them with their arrows. At this sacrilegious invasion,
    Abba Athanasius kept his seat, and asked the deacon to
    read Psalm 136, during which the people responded with
    the refrain: "For His mercy endureth forever" after each

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