A. 188. Macari, the "aged youth".
B. 189. Didymus, the blind seer.
C. 190. Syncletiki, a trail-blazer among women.
D. 191. More consecrated women.
- Amma Talida.
- Distinguished foreign women visit the
Convents of Egypt.
E. 194. Evolution of Egyptian Ascetism and rise of
Cenobitism. - Pakhom, the pagan soldier who made a
pledge to become a Christian. - His Baptism in 314 A.D.
- His training and spiritual discipline.
- Vision of communal life and rules.
- First monastery in the world founded by
Pakhom and the basic rules for monastic
communal life. - Spread of Pakhomian monasteries and their
democratic organisation. - Mary, sister of Pakhom, seeks to follow his
example. - Mystic teachings of St. Pakhom.
- His death in 346 A.D.
- His influence upon Western monasticism.
F. Theodorus, a worthy Successor to the Great
Pakhom. - A chosen vessel.
- A story about his wisdom in dealing with
hismonks. - An Athanasian letter.