(Elle) #1

  1. In the year 346 A.D. the plague decimated the whole
    land, invading the very monasteries. St. Pakhom, like a good
    shepherd, went about visiting the sick to comfort them,
    trying to alleviate their pain and praying for them. After the
    feast of the Ascension, he felt the symptoms of the disease.
    So he gathered his monks together and exhorted them to live
    by the law of cenobitism, and above all to keep the bond of
    love. Then, he rested in the peace of his Lord after spending
    a life of consecrated service and strenuous aspiration.^28

  2. The monastic rules of Pakhom were made known to
    the West by Abba Athanasius when he was in Treves, then in
    Rome during is first and second banishments. These were
    translated into Latin by Jerome in A.D. 404, and thus spread
    among the Italians. During the first half of the 5th century St.
    John Cassianus published a book in four volumes about the
    lives of the Egyptian Fathers, their regulations and their
    teachings. He, then tried to put into practice those teachings
    in the monasteries he founded in the south of France.
    Another Western monk called Dionysius Erigenus
    (who died in A.D. 556) translated into Latin the biography
    Abba Pakhom togerher with his regulations. By all thes
    means, the impact of St. Pakhom was felt in the West and
    constituted a close link with the Coptic Church.
    “Monasticism never forgot that it originated in Egypt, and
    personal relations between the houses in the East and the
    West were frequent in the early centures.^29
    In Ireland, the earliest monastic buildings were
    planned in small churches clustered round one another, thus
    presenting a most striking resemblance to similar buildings in
    Egypt. Irish monasticism was very active during its early
    centuries: by means of its activities, it spread throughout
    Western Britain and Northumbria, and penetrated into
    northern France, Switzerland, South Germany and Italy.^30

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