- Petros II consecrated Pope.
- Emperor Valens persecutes him and his flock.
- Arian seeming success an empty bauble.
21l. Banishment of all Orthodox Bishops. - Moses the Egyptian and his defiant courage.
- Petros II returns to Alexandria at death of Emperor
Valens. - Theodosius succeeds Valens.
B. A Mother unto many
- Theodora's childhood.
- Spiritual aspiration.
- Gracious motherhood.
A. 208. Petros was a priest of Alexandria and a close
disciple of Athanasius the Apostolic. He had assimilated his
zeal and intrepidity. When Athanasius needed someone to
send to Asia Minor in order to reinstate the Orthodox Faith
and confirm the faithful there, he selected him and
commissioned him to fulfil that task. Having accomplished
it, Petros returned to Alexandria and resumed his secretariat
by the side of his illustrious teacher.
As soon as Athanasius rested in the Lord, the Copts
lost no time in consecrating Petros his successor and 21st
Head of the Church of Alexandria.
- This immediate action on the part of the Copts
infuriated Emperor Valens, and he decided to take his
revenge on the new-elect and his electors. Thereupon, he