(Elle) #1

  1. The throne of Valens was inherited by Theodosius
    who was appalled by the state of the Church of
    Constantinople. His predecessors leaning towards Arianism
    had dragged It into endless internecine dissensions, and it
    needed to be regenerated. He therefore appealed to Abba
    Petros, who responded to him by sending some Orthodox
    teachers from Alexandria to Constantinople to help in
    restoring it. They worked under the guidance of one of
    Orthodoxy's staunchest champions, the Great Gregory of
    Nazianzus, surnamed Theologus (329-389). When he was
    called to the capital by the Emperor, he responded heartily,
    and together with the Alexandrian teachers and those whom
    he picked, laboured so zealously and well that the Orthodox
    party gathered strength speedily.^5
    Petros II spent the rest of his life in endeavouring to
    uplift his people. He guided the Church through storm and
    strife, but God granted him to reach the haven of peace
    before releasing him from the bonds of the body.

B. 215. Amid the trials and tribulations, the Faith of
the Egyptians burned like an intense beacon. Rufinus of
Aquiela witnessed to them saying: "But of their humility,
their courtesy, their loving kindness, what am I to say?
Nowhere have I seen love so in flower, nowhere so quick
compassion or hospitality so eager. Nowhere have I seen
such meditation upon Holy Writ or understanding of It, or
such discipline of sacred learning: well-nigh might you judge
each one of them a doctor in the wisdom of God."^6
One of those who thus radiated the Love of Christ
was the blessed Theodora. She was an only child of wealthy
Alexandrian parents, and was sent to the School of that
metropolis. In their eagerness to have her married, they
showered her with fine jewels and smart clothes, discussing

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