appropriate to tear down the .mounds and replace them with
that church. A rich and devout woman happened to be
among those who were visiting him at the time. No sooner
had he expressed the idea than she volunteered to pay the
cost of removing the mounds. While they were being
removed, the workers delighted in discovering a valuable
treasure beneath them. They advised the Pope, and he, in
turn advised the Emperor. Theodosius came to Alexandria
especially to see the treasure, and finding it of great worth,
decided to share it with Abba Theophilus. Delighted with his
share, "the ineffable Theophilus"^2 used it to build new
churches and monasteries. The church, desired by Abba
Athanasius, was the first among several others to rise as a
result. He also embellished the church of St. Mena of
"majestic renown."^3
Among the monasteries he undertook to build is one
of great historical value and standing to this day in the desert
adjacent to the city of Assiut in Upper Egypt. It is called "al-
Moharraq" monastery, and was constructed on a site
hallowed by the stay of the Holy Family during their sojourn
in Egypt.^4
The oldest building within its enclosure is the Church
of the Blessed Virgin. On the eve of his intention to journey
that he may consecrate it, Abba Theophilus had a dream in
which the Blessed Virgin appeared to him and told him,
"How can you consecrate a spot which my Son sanctified by
His very presence bodily?" Theophilus replied: "Most
honoured Queen, I did not know it. But since you have
deigned to tell me this fact, will you condescend to describe
to me the whole journey that I may write it down for my
people?" The Holy Virgin graciously acquiesced.^5
- While emperor Theodosius was in Alexandria, Abba
Theophilus convinced him of the sagacity of transforming the