(Elle) #1

Among them was an ascetic of great repute for his excessive
charity, whose name was Isidorus. Having retired to the
desert in his early youth, he became, through constant
training and practice, an astute Christian, and his virtues
shone in splendour. When the hospital adjoining the Church
in Alexandria was in need of an administrator, the Pope
assigned this responsibility to him.
Working in the metropolis gave Isidorus ample
opportunity to serve not only the sick but also the strangers
and the needy.^11
While in the monastery, a close tie of Christian love
had developed between this wondrous man and four brothers
invariably described as ‘The Tall’ brothers because of their
stature. They and their two sisters had all embraced the
ascetic life and striven after spiritual excellence; and now
they were all among the staunch supporters of Abba
Tlieophilus.^12 In appreciation of their virtue and their
erudition, the Pope consecrated one of them Bishop of
Hermopolis (in middle Upper Egypt).

  1. During his life Abba Theophilus passed a number of
    canons – or Church laws – that are considered among his
    valuable contributions to posterity. One of these concerned
    the choice of priests for specific churches, and he asserted
    that the final decision on such a choice should ultimately rest
    with the people he is going to serve. To this day this
    demoeratic principle is generally accepted in the Coptic

  2. Abba Theophilus-like a number of other Egyptian
    Fathers – is still a subject of interest to Church historians.
    Some liken him to a despotic Pharaoh, while others regarded
    him as a Church leader of great ability and energy.

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