(Elle) #1

of Nestorius. We are glad because of your zeal and your
care in this matter. We doubt not, therefore, that God
Who granted us the Universal Faith will succour you in
your endeavour. As for us, having heard of the hypocrisy
of those who are following this heresy, we are bound by
God’s Grace to cut off this evel. And may God the
Almighty guard you, my son.”^4

  1. Upon hearing that Eutyches had appealed to the
    bishops of other churches, Flavianus thought it fit to write
    to them also to explain and justify his actions. The
    answer he received from Leo stated that Eutyches had
    complained of having been unjustly excommunicated and
    ended on this wise: “...Eutyches promised in is letter to
    correct the error he committed against the Doctrine. In
    this case, we should evade all discord and uphold
    Christian Love with no aim other than the Truth. We
    know what Eutyches did, but he seems to be worthy of
    the sacerdotal honour, even though denuded of all
    wisdom and knowledge.”^5
    At the same time, the Roman Bishop write to the
    Emperor proclaiming to him that he rejoiced because “the
    Emperor, not only had an imperial heart, but a sacerdotal
    one too.”^6

  2. Pursuing the matter, the party of Eutyches
    succeeded in persuading Emperor Theodosius to convoke
    a general council. Then, in anticipation of this assembly,
    Eutyches wrote again to several bishops among whom
    was Abba Dioscorus, hoping thereby to move the whole
    church in his favour before the council actually assembled.

  3. The site selected by the Emperor for this Council
    was Ephesus again, and the date fixed for its inauguration

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