(Elle) #1

declared that there were other letters from the Emperor
which should be read first. The delegates from the West
acquiesced. Then Juvenal of Jerusalem ordered the
reading of the imperial missives, one of which related to
the admittance of the Archimandrite Barsumas into the
Abba Dioscorus then asked if there was any
question concerning the Faith legated by the Fathers. All
present replied that they strictly adhered to it. “In which
case, declared Abba Dioscorus, we are not assembled to
search into the Doctrine, but simply to examine the acts of
the local council held by Flavianus.”^15

  1. Here Eutyches was called upon to proclaim his
    faith. Instead of speaking, he handed to the chief notary a
    declaration of his faith in his own handwriting requesting
    him to rad it aloud; he said: “Since my youth, I diligently
    sought to live in retreat. Today I am exposed to a grave
    danger because in my strict fidelity to the Faith, and my
    refusal to admit any innovation. I sincerely uphold the
    faith declared at Nicea; and rely continuously on the
    writings legated to the Church by Abba Kyrillos of blessed
    memory.” No sooner had this name been mentioned than
    the Fathers declared that they all upheld the faith
    expounded so clearly by that Alexandrian Patriarch. Then
    John, chief notary resumed reading the confession of
    Eutyches, which said: “I believe in One God the
    Almighty, Maker of the visible and the invisible; and in
    the Lord Jesus the Christ the Only Begotten Son – I mean
    that He is Consubstantial with the Father; by Him were
    all things made, in heaven and on earth; He is the One,
    Who, for us mankind and for our salvation, came down
    from heaven; He was incarnate and became man; He
    suffered and rose from the dead on the third day; He

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