(Elle) #1

mistrust of the two Western legates because they were the
friends of Flavianus. Consequently, it was decided to hear
the minutes of the Flavian council (of Constantinople) on
the proceedings of which both Flavianus and Eutyches
presented written reports.^17
The reading of these reports followed and then
Flavianus stood up to defend himself. For the second
time his justification savoured of Nestoriansim, so much
had Leo’s Tomos confused his thoughts.

  1. Having heard both accuser and defendant, and
    discussing the case at length, Abba Dioscorus asked the
    bishops to pronounce their verdict. In answer, Juvenal of
    Jerusalem who was the first to speak said: “Since
    Eutyches confesses the Creed of Nicea and accepts what
    the Fathers declared in the great Council assembled in this
    same city, it is clear to me that he is an Orthodox.
    Therefore, I suggest that he be reconfirmed in is
    sacerdocy and in his abbotcy over his monks.” The
    council responded: “This is true and just.” Domnus of
    Antioch followed by saving: “When I received from
    Constantinople the verdict passed by Flavianus and his
    Council, I signed it, but after hearing the written
    declaration submitted to this council by E8utyches, I find
    that he is an Orthodox. For he clearly states that he
    upholds the Faith of the three hundred and eighteen
    assembled at Nicea as well as the Fathers who assembled
    in this city. In consequence, I consent to his worthiness
    of the priesthood and of the supervision of his monks.”^18
    Stephen of Ephesus and Thasius of Caesarea of
    Cappadocia made similar statements concerning the
    orthodoxy of Eutyches and his fitness to be reinstated.
    The estimate of these four bishops was accepted
    by all those assembled with them an so they unanimously

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