- In his book Histoire des Conciles, vol. III, p. 59
and its footnote. It should be noted that Leo I was
one of four bishops of Rome to be
excommunicated. The three others are: Liberius
by Hilarius Bishop of Poitiers who was under
Rome’s jurisdiction; Honorius by the Council of
Constantinople held in A.D. 680; and Nicolaus by
Photios the Constantinople Bishop in the eleventh
century. Yet none of the excommunicators was so
much as reprimanded for such behaviour; the only
exception being Abba Dioscorus. Cf. Guettee, vol.
III, pp. 202-3 and 208-10; vol. V, pp. 495-7 and
vol. VI, pp. 254-74; Barbier, pp. 340-5; Ency.
des Science Religieuses. vol. III, p. 292 and vol.
VIII, p. 627. - Guettee, vol. IV, p. 594.
- Histoire de Dioscore by his disciple Theopistus,
trans. From Coptic into French by M.F. Nau, pub.
In “Le Journal Asiatique” 2nd series, Tome X, No.
2, Mars-Avril 1903, p. 279. - Ibid. pp. 288-9.
- Ibid. pp. 297-300.
- Ibid. pp. 297-300.
- In an Epistle in Greek trans. by Y. Abd ‘l Masih,
entitled; The Union of the Coptic Church with the
Orthodox Church, p. 59.