(Elle) #1

Minor, the multitudes hastened to greet him as if he had
been a triumphant hero.^4
Nonetheless another intruder was imposed on the
Coptic Church, but the Copts unrelentingly regarded him
in the same was as they did his predecessor. This
continued for seven years. It was a manifestation of
aggressive imperialism versus intense nationalism.^5

  1. In A.D. 474, Emperor Marcianus died heirless, and
    so the throne for which Pulcheria had sacrificed
    conscience and principle was lost to the family of
    Theodosius. The new Emperor, who name was
    Basiliscus, was no scion of the Theodosian line. He had a
    court doctor who was an Alexandrian.^6 The Egyptians
    seized their chance, and with his assistance, asked the new
    Emperor to allow their Pope to return to his See. Their
    request was granted, and thus the years of exile for Abba
    Timotheos came to an end.

  2. On his homeward journey, St. Mark’s successor
    paid a visit to Constantinople in order to thank the
    Emperor and to entreat him to re-establish the Bishops
    deposed by Marcianus, and to restore peace to the Church
    of Alexandria. The Emperor agreed readily, and to prove
    his goodwill asked Abba Timotheos to write a circular
    letter which he sent himself to all the bishops.

  3. The circular of Abba Timotheos promulgated by
    Emperor Basiliscus was the basis of reconciliation
    between the Eastern Orthodox churches of Antioch,
    Jerusalem, Constantinople and Alexandria.

  4. While rejoicing at his unexpected release, Abba
    Timotheos did not forget his duty towards his

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