(Elle) #1

have their own elected Pope to be the Head of their
The negotiations with the Emperor were effective,
and in a propitious moment Zeno consented to accord
them their request and withdrew his appointee from

  1. Fourteen interesting letters were then exchanged
    between Abba Petros III, and Acacius, Bishop of
    Constantinople. The sequence of letters is interesting:
    Abba Petros sent two in succession: in the first he asked
    Acacius for a re-affirmation of his faith, while the second
    was a rebuke and an admonition. Bishop Acacius replied
    in all humility, confessing first that he had transgressed in
    approving the Chalcedon decrees, and ending by saying:
    “Shine on us, O Lamp of Orthodoxy, and lighten our path

  • we who have erred. Be like unto Stephen, the
    Archdeacon, and cry out unto God for us, we who have
    persecuted you, and say ‘Lord, lay not this sin to their
    charge’,^10 that we be forgiven.”^11

  1. As a result of this correspondence between the two
    prelates Abba Petros delegated some of his trustworthy
    men and sent them to Constantinople, where a local
    council was held and issued a joint doctrinal declaration
    known as “The Henoticon”. This was a statement about
    the re-establishment of the bond of unity between the
    Orthodox churches, and a strong re-affirmation of the
    Faith they held in common. “We declare unto you”, it
    announced to all the Orthodox people of the East, “that
    we accept no Creed other than that of the three hundrred
    and eighteen Fathers of Nicea, confirmed by the hundred
    and fifty at Constantinople, and upheld by the two
    hundred at Ephesus – condemning Arius, Nestorius and

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