Severu, invited him to Antioch, and overwhelmed him with
honours.^14 Emperor Philip, the Arab, and his wife, Severa,
reckoned it an honour to write to him and receive his
answers; while the pagan philosophers felt honoured to
become his disciples, and the servants of the God Whom he
preached in word and in deed.l5
- In time, Emperor Severus was succeeded by Emperor
Caracalla. This latter had such deep admiration for
Alexander the Great that he decided to spare the city of
Alexandria for his sake. This respite was not too long,
however, for when he came to visit their city, the
Alexandrians showed him little respect. This aroused his
anger, so he changed his mind and decided to take revenge.
He did so in an abominable manner. One day, he assembled
the youths of the city, under pretence of a solemn festival,
and at a given signal, part of his troops fell upon them, while
another part started a massacre in the streets and houses.
This lasted for many days. The number of the dead was
never known. “Nor did it matter” observed Caracalla, in
writing to the Roman Senate, "how many had actually
suffered, since all deserved it”. - While Caracalla was yet mercilessly persecuting the
Alexandrians, Origen was invited to Caesarea, in Palestine,
by Bishop Theostite. The Egyptians, in fear for his life,
urged him to accept this invitation, so providentially
extended to him. Thereupon, he did accept to go, and when
he arrived there the Christians gave him a very warm
welcome, and entreated him to stay and teach them. He
responded willingly and stayed among them for some time,
teaching and interpreting the Scriptures.l6 From Caesarea he
went to Arabia to confute the heresy that the soul dies with
the body. Having succeeded, he was recalled by Abba