(Elle) #1

and one more stroke would have mercifully put an end to
their pains, they were to be left for another day or two. The
respite would be long enough to give them fresh powers of
endurance, and the tortures would then be resumed. This
calculated infliction of brutal torments was intended to
weaken the resistance of the faithful and induce them to
renounce their faith. To intimidate the faithful more surely,
their prominent leaders and Bishops were attacked first.
According to this plan, Origen was seized, in spite of his
sixty- five years, and thrown into prison. An iron collar was
put round his neck, shackles round his feet and chains bound
his hands.
Other tortures were inflicted upon him, and he was
threatened to be burned – the tormentors always stopping
before the limits of death. The Romans hoped that by means
of such horrible tortures they would succeed in overcoming
him, and that his fall would certainly drag in its wake many
others. But he who, when only a lad, had counselled his
father to endure all suffering for, the sake of the Christ was
not the man to betray the cause he had served for more than
forty years.^23 Throughout his life he had eagerly sought
martyrdom, and now Providence had afforded him this
supreme test, to prove to the world the integrity of his
personality, and he did prove it. He withstood all pain
without once giving in. This glorious episode, which marked
his life towards its end, added greater lustre to his name; he
stands sealed with the triple marks of; genius, of sanctity,
and of martyrdom.^24

  1. These cruel torments of the Christians lasted
    throughout the reign of Decius and ceased only with his
    death. Origen was still alive, though completely worn out.
    When he regained some strength, he resumed the work so
    dear to him, the work of teaching and preaching,

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